Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm at the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show covering all things tech this week. I've seen dozens of awesome (and sometimes odd) gadgets. I've examined computers ranging from blisteringly fast desktop machines running state-of-the-art graphics cards and I've played with smartbooks that are only slightly larger than my phone. But one of the biggest generators of buzz on the showroom floor isn't a gadget or computer -- it's a piece of software called Blio.

We first heard about Blio during Steve Ballmer's keynote address for Microsoft back on Wednesday. It's e-reader software that can turn any Windows machine into a full-color e-reader. Rather than compete from a hardware standpoint with devices like the Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble Nook, Blio will allow people to access a library of books without a specialized device.

The software has some big names behind it. One of the key developers is Ray Kurzweil, a well-known futurist. And it has features that put it ahead of many devices on the market. There's an optional animation feature that creates a realistic page-turning effect. You'll also be able to listen to books through a text-to-speech option. The software itself is free (as will more than a million books once the software launches in February). Customers will be able to buy books from the Blio bookdstore -- books will be in a PDF scanned format that contains DRM to prevent piracy.

Despite all this, I don't see Blio as a true game changer. For one thing, it's incompatible with e-ink screens. That means Blio will run on devices that require power to display images, which means a limited reading time due to battery life. The Kindle and Nook can run for days (assuming you have Wi-Fi turned off). A laptop, smart phone or tablet may only have a few hours of life before needing a recharge.

The text-to-speech feature, which some people are saying really sets Blio apart, isn't new either. The Kindle has the same feature. What holds back a more widespread use of text-to-speech isn't the technology. Instead, it's legal battles with publishers and authors, some of whom argue that the feature hurts sales of audio books. I don't think any text-to-speech feature competes with a true audio book. I do think it's a useful feature for people who have a visual impairment. But I'll save that full argument for another blog post.

For another, customers have already shown that they are willing to buy a device dedicated to a single task. This surprised me more than anyone -- convergence is something I've said was a key feature in technology over the last decade. I think many people are willing to purchase a unique device if it means a superior experience. I'm not sure Blio provides that yet. And if we wanted to read books on our computers, wouldn't we be doing that already? It's not like the technology itself is particularly new.

Maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps Blio will render e-readers obsolete in a year. But from my perspective, I'd say that it's interesting software that might enhance the e-reader landscape without really changing it. Considering the number of e-reader devices I've seen this year (the Skiff, the EnTourage eDGe, etc.), I think there's too much steam in the e-reader engine for Blio to make a dent.

How to play Chinese chess on your computer

How to play Chinese chess on your computer
Chinese chess has a great history and is a game full of wisdoms and funs.DO YOU ever want to experience leading your army to fight in the ancient battlefield? If yes, Chinese chess soul can offer the platform for you and you can enjoy being a mandarin by mastering your chesses on the chess board!
Whoever you are, a beginner or expert, you will have FUN and EXCITING playing with her. You and your family can enjoy by beating computer and improving chess level; Arena match game model, Computer adjusts its level to meet your level and record your scores.

The software: chess soul
Rules Website:

Follows are quick guide for you :
Step 1: Free Download HERE,then install Chinese Chess Soul.
If you haven’t registered yet, simply click here to get the full version now.
Step2: Launch the game now, and you can see the first screen. Now, you can let the computer play red or black chess by clicking (red side) or (black side) , once your finish your round, you can click ” move now” button: so the AI will start to play.
Click at “game”, choose “new game” so that you can start a new game.
Step3: Also you can play arena match mode by selecting ”start” in the arena match option.
In this mode ,the computer will adjusts its level to meet your level and record your scores.
Note: If you quit in the middle of the game, you still can continue to play your last game by logging in your user name next time you start your arena mode

Step4: Finally, you can change the AISETUP as per:

Choose “Wizard for AI Setup” option.
Note: you can have seven day of trial period for trial product. You can get its full version now Here at a very competitive price, or see more details Here
Purchase Chinese Chess Soul and enjoy playing it NOW!!

For related information and download:

Chinese Chess Basic Rules
• The King moves only one space either horizontally or vertically at a time. Furthermore, the King must always stay within the palace, which is a square marked with an X.
• The Guards move only one space at a time diagonally. Similar to the King, the guards must stay within the palace.
• The Ministers (Elephants) move two spaces at a time diagonally, for example, twp spaces left or right and two spaces up or down in a move. They must stay within their own side of the river. If there is a piece standing midway between the original and targeted position of a minister, the minister is blocked and the movement is not allowed.
• The Rooks (Cars) move one or more than one spaces horizontally or vertically if all positions between the original and targeted positions are without any block.
• The Knights (Horses) move two spaces horizontally and one space vertically or respectively two spaces vertically and one space horizontally. If there is a piece next to the horse in the horizontal or vertical direction, the horse is blocked and the movement is not allowed.
• The Cannons move one or more than one spaces horizontally or vertically like Rook. However, in a capture move, there must be exactly one non-empty space in between the original and targeted position. In a non-capture move, all spaces in between must be empty.
• The Pawns (or Soldiers) move one space at a time. If a pawn does not cross the river yet, it can only move forward vertically. Once crossing the river, the pawn can also move horizontally.
• Capture: When a piece moves to a position currently held by an opponent's piece, it captures that opponent's piece. The captured piece will be removed from the board.
• King's line of sight: The two Kings in the board must never be on the same vertical line without any pieces in between them. Any move that puts the two Kings in such a setting is illegal.
• King safety: One must never leave the King to be captured by the opponent in the next move. Any move that put the King in such a setting is illegal.
• End game condition: The game ends when one of the following situations happens: Checkmate: If one threatens to capture the opponent's King and the opponent has no way to resolve the threat, one wins. Stalemate: If one does not have any valid movement, one loses.

How to Make an eBook Anyone Can Read with ePub

In a recent post I talked about how all of you would-be eBook authors should know your file formats, or at least be somewhat familiar with the most commonly used ones. As an author, you want to make your work as accessible as possible, which means making your content able to be read on as many devices as you can. Since it is Read an eBook Week, and Lulu is giving away three Apple iPads, I thought it might be useful to provide a how-to tutorial for the most universal eBook format: ePub.
Many new authors might make the mistake of thinking that if they have a portable document format (PDF) of their book it means that it can be read on an e-reader or other mobile device. While in many cases the PDF can be opened, the text is far too small because it is a static or unchangeable image. ePub makes it so your text is resized to fit the screen of any given device. Since the text in ePub format can be changed in terms of size, font and color, reading an ePub book becomes a much more personal experience for the reader. Sounds great right? But how do you make an ePub book?
You really have three options: let Lulu do the work for you with our conversion services, use a conversion program like (Xilisoft iPad PDF Transfer, eCub, 4Media PDF to EPUB Converter</b>, Google ePub Toolkit, etc.), or you can do-it-yourself. If you decide to do-it-yourself, I’ve added some great directions I found over at

What You’ll Need:

* A text editor (like Text Edit or Notepad) that can edit text files, HTML, and XML.
* A program that can create .zip files (which should be built into OS X or Windows).

Alright, first you’ll need to get all of the files together that you will later put into your master .zip file (called a container).

A Closer look at ePub files (*Be aware that file names are case sensitive*):

A .epub file has at least the following files/folders in it to function:

* mimetype – Typically a plain ASCII text file that has the line “application/epub+zip” in it. This file tells a reader/operating system what’s in the .ePub file. This file must be the first line in the zip file, and cannot be compressed.
* META-INF folder – Contains at least the container.xml file, which tells the reader software where to find the book in the container (typically in the content.opf file detailed below).
* OEBPS folder – Recommended location for the book’s actual content

1. Images folder – Contains any pictures used in your eBook.
2. content.opf file – An XML file that lists what’s in the container in the order they will appear, the manifest, spine section (which lists the reading order of the contents), and any metadata like author name, genre, and publisher. Any additional metadata will need tags similar to these required ones:
* dc:title – The book’s title.
* dc:language – The language the book is in (here is a list of language codes).
* dc:udebtufuer- Every eBook has a unique ID code (UID). If you’re unsure what to use, try using your ISBN.
* toc.ncx file – Table of contents arranged with navpoint tags. Make sure the UID matches whatever is in your content.opf file because some readers won’t display your book properly if it doesn’t. The play order values found in this file must also be in order and will return an error if the order skips over a number.
* XHTML files – The book’s literal contents are listed in these files which are like HTML files with closing tags associated with each element. It is up to you how you arrange your content but having a separate .xhtml file for each chapter tends to look better on e-readers.

Now that you have all your files in order, you can make the .epub container that houses all of them.

How to Make the Container File

* First create a new .zip file
* Copy the uncompressed mimetype file into the .zip file.
* Copy all of your other files (which should all be located in an OEBPS file) into the .zip file.

1. The .zip file structure should look similar to this:
– mimetype
– container.xml
– images
- content.opf
– toc.ncx
– stylesheet.css
– content.xhtml
* Change the .zip file extension to .epub.

Once you are done with these steps, you should have a readable eBook in a format that works on most readers. Now, all you should have to do is upload your work to Lulu.

Making Your eBook Available for Download
In the Publish section, click the ‘eBooks’ button.
Click the ‘Start your eBook‘ button.
Enter a title and author name. Select your project’s availability. Click the ‘Save &
Continue’ button (any of these options can be changed at anytime).
Upload the file you want to use by clicking the ‘browse’ button, searching your computer for the file you want to use and then clicking the ‘Upload’ button.
If you upload multiple files to create an eBook, you will have to select a size for Lulu to create your eBook.
Click the ‘Make Download-Ready File’ button to convert your file into an eBook.
Download and preview your file and then click the ‘Save & Continue’ button.
Create your cover and click the ‘Make Cover’ button. Then click the ‘Save & Continue’ button after the page reloads. Learn how to create a cover here and see What the eBook cover for.
Fill in the Description fields and click the ‘Save & Continue’ button
Set the price for your eBook and click the ‘Review Project’ button (eBooks with DRM cannot be offered for free).
Review your project. Click the ‘Change’ button for any section that needs adjustment. If everything is to your liking click the ‘Save & Finish’ button.
Once you click the ‘Save & Finish’ button you should have a book that is ready to share with the world in cutting-edge fashion – something any reader on the go will appreciate.
Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

Any Video Converter

2 pass encoding, one of the multi-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using two passes to keep the best quality. Any Video Converter provides 1 or 2 encode pass for you to choose when you are converting video to MPEG 2 or MP4.
Two pass encoding produces much better results than one pass encoding. But there are certain disadvantages of this technique. Two pass coding is almost twice slower than one-pass coding. So if you are short of time select one-pass solution.

When to use 2 Pass Encoding?
Normally, the conversion of a video file is performed in 1 pass mode and when you play your video after that conversion is over you might find out the following issues:
* transitions between such scenes are rather unnatural and noticeable (due to the sharp unexpected change of a difficult frame to more statical one and vice versa);
* the most dynamic scenes turned out to consist of "square blocks" (to look smart such scenes require more bitrate value or a less quality quantizer value in comparison with those of the statical ones ).
If you want to overcome such troubles you should apply 2 pass conversion with using Any Video Converter!

Why Use 2 Pass Encoding?
Two pass encoding produces much better results than one pass encoding. But there are certain disadvantages of this technique. Two-pass coding is almost twice slower than one-pass coding. So if you are short of time select one-pass solution.
But if you want the highest quality possible use two-pass encoding. The first pass estimates rate distortion characteristics of video using a first set of quantization parameters (often called just QPs). These estimated characteristics help to select quantization parameters for the second pass in order to minimize quality fluctuation between the frames.
Let's see how it works. For example you have a 2-minute clip. One part of it is very dynamic. To be played well it requires 2500 kbps. The other part is good at 300 kbps. Both parts are equal. Naturally you set the bitrate at 1400 kbps which seems to be enough for both parts. One-pass encoding will produce bad results as it will set 1400 kbps for both parts ignoring their differences. The first dynamic part will look too quantized. The second part will look ok but it will take too much space and lead to unwarrantable size. The fluctuation between frames will be noticeable.
Two-pass encoding will not make such mistakes. Using statistics of the 1st pass the encoder can estimate the value of each frame in bits. It results in a better distribution of bits between two parts of the video clip. The first dynamic part will get more bits while the second part will get less bits. And both will look great.
So if you converted your video with one-pass encoding and are not satisfied with the results, try Any Video Converter. It supports both 1 pass and 2 pass encoding.
Any Video Converter converts almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, 3GP or FLV movie formats.

Different between 1 Pass Encoding and 2 Pass Encoding
You can find the different between the same video encoded in 1 Pass Encoding and 2 Pass Encoding by the two pictures below.

How to perform 2 encoding pass conversion with Any Video Converter?
Step 1 Add Video to Any Video Converter.

Step 2 Choose MPEG-2 or MP4 as output.
Step 3 Go to the right pane of the program and unfold the video options, you can set 1 or 2 Encode Pass there.

Step 4 Click Convert button to start the conversion.

UltraSnif: a powerful network sniffer

UltraSniff is a powerful network sniffer, It can capture network packets, monitor network traffic,detect bottlenecks and analyze network related problem. UltraSniff provides detailed network statistics and charts to network administrators for helping them quickly find out network problem. Also UltraSniff is a sockets sniffer that can show you detailed process-related listing of all IP,TCP,UDP endpoints on your system,including local and remote address and state of TCP connections, packet statistics. Its powerful filter engine lets you easy and quickly find out the target. It has Hardware Filter (Promiscuous, All Local, All MultiCast, Broadcast, Directed, Function, Group, Source Routing etc), and Software Filter (it is able to filter based on Protocols, IP source/destination, port, MAC source/destination, data pattern).


Supports all of windows version (Windows 2003/Windows XP/2000/NT/ME/98/95);

Monitors network activity in real time;

Dynamic network statistics and charts.

Expert HTML Export.

Captures network traffic for detailed analysis;

Captures network traffic base on applicaton(TDI,SOCKET);

Probes the network with active tools to simulate traffic, measure response times, count hops, and troubleshoot problems;

Captures the packets the program is trying to send or receive;

Powerful packet generator;

Supports DIAL-UP ADAPTER on windows all version.

Permanent, Lifetime free software updates for register users;

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Use Adobe Photoshop Cs3

Each evolution of Adobe Photoshop has improvements that not only make the photographer's work easier, but also better. Photographers and graphic designers have had input in the process. Photoshop Creative Suite 3 has two versions, regular and extended, the latter designed for higher-level users. The regular version, however, is packed with innovative tools. This article will help you learn how to use Adobe Photoshop Cs3.
Difficulty: Moderate


Open a digital photo in Cs3. Save a copy of the photo with a different name because you will want to work on the copy without touching the original. First, tone the photo to your preferences. You can use presets.
Go to Image > Auto Tone, Auto Contrast or Auto Color. For most evenly exposed photos, these presets will do a serviceable job. For more dynamic variation than the presets, open the "Info" box. Go to Window > Info. This palette will show you the percentages of each color as you move the mouse around the photo.
Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels. Below the "Options" button on the right are three eye droppers for, from left, blacks, midtones and whites. Select the black eyedropper and find the darkest area of the image. The Info palette will show you light to dark ranges for red, green and blue or cyan, magenta, yellow and black (K). The higher the number of K, the more black there is in that area of the image. Using the black eyedropper, find the blackest area of the image and click. Then click the white eyedropper and find the whitest area. This will be close to zero on the Info palette. When you find it, click it. This generally will give a balanced tone, but you can tweak it with the sliders under the histogram graph. The left one is black, middle is midtones and right is white.


Use "Shadow/Highlights" or "Curves" to tweak the tone further. If the image has stark contrast and some of the detail is lost, "Shadow/Highlights" will punch up the shadows without touching the highlights, or vice versa. With "Curves," you set a brightness in the center, then tweak the lights and darks on the sides.
Other controls under Image > Adjustments, such as "Brightness/Contrast," "Exposure" and "Variations" also allow manipulation of tone. "Variations" is not as subtle as some of the others, but you can compare variations of the image with different colors added or subtracted to the image.


Resize your photo depending on how you intend to use it. For example, an image intended for a website only needs a resolution of 72 dots per inch. If you plan to print the image, it should be at a minimum of 200 dots per inch (dpi). The more dpi resolution you choose, the finer the quality of the final image, but the bigger the file. To resize an image to 8 1/2-by-11 inches, go to Image > Image Size. In the pop-up menu, use the bottom portion. If it's a horizontal or "landscape" image, set the width to 11 inches. The height will reset automatically. Then go to "Resolution" and set it at 300 dpi.


Print the image. Go to File > Print. In the pop-up menu, select the printer and make adjustments. The default is for a vertical ("portrait") image, so if you need horizontal, click that button next to the "Page Setup" button. You will see how the image will look when printed. Click "Print." A pop-up menu will appear where you can set specifics for the printer. These settings will produce the best image on any paper. For a photo, choose a top-quality photo setting.


Experiment. There is a lot more to Photoshop than just toning photos. Go to Window > Actions for some presets. Try "Soft Posterize," "Sepia (Layer)" or "Fluorescent Chalk." You also can try things in the Filter Gallery (Filter > Filter Gallery). A photo can look like a painting. You can make it into "Stationary" or use "Chrome" or "Bas Relief."

Monday, March 21, 2011

How to download and convert YouTube videos

Download YouTube HD&SD videos from YouTube site and convert to AVI, MP4, 3GP, etc videos and MP3 music. Download + Convert in 1 step!
Few days ago, some friends asked me about how to use 4Media YouTube Video Converter as well as other 4Media apps. Now we will discuss about how to download and convert videos with 4Media YouTube Video Converter. Make you professional in front of others.
Step 1: Download and install 4Media YouTube Video Converter
Click HERE to download it. After the download is finished, run the m-youtube-video-converter2.exe and follow the installation wizard instructions.

Step 2: Download the video you like from YouTube
First of all, please use our insert broser or your own broswer to find the video you like. If you want to use our insert broswer you need to use proxy as we set an international exchange for this app but many countries can’t use it or very slow. Once you find the video you want to download, please copy the URL of the video page.
After run 4Media YouTube Video Converter, you will first go to a window like the following picture shows:
Yes, click “File” button and then another window will come out:

Now, you need to paste the URL you copied for the video. Click “Browse” to find the target place that you want your output file settles. And, something more interesting will happen soon.
Please see the picture below. You can see, before you download the video, you can even choose the format for output files. What happens? This is because 4Media YouTube Video Converter can convert the videos directly to your favorite format after downloading. Click the angle and find the proper format for your device from the dropdown list.
4Media YouTube Video Converter provides 43 different formats for normal video/audio, Apple device special formats, MOV for QuickTime, PSP, normal phone, HD video formats and etc. we provide the most popular and useful formats with the right device suggestion for you, save you time and give you mew choices.
Okay, now give “OK” button a click, then we can start downloading and converting:

Step 3: When you only want to convert video or audio
Yes, 4Media YouTube Video Converter is a professional converter as its name tells. Now if you want to use it only as a converter that will be so easy.

For existing video, you can convert it to 43 formats to meet your need.
Please see the picture above: Click “File” button and choose “New Convert” for your purpose.
And after you input the video, you should choose target place and format. You don’t need to think about what format will fit your device. Just see what your device is and you will find the proper format from the dropdown list:

Of course, we can convert many videos at the same time. The input formats can be different and also the output formats can be different. You can control the converting process with the buttons above. “Add File(s)” for new conversion, “Start Convert”, “Pause”, “Stop” or “Delete” and “Start All”, “Pause All” or “Stop All” with those little buttons.

After the converting is finished, you can find the file in target folder with the right format you need. Transfer to your device and enjoy yourself please.

How to transfer movies and music between iPad and your computer

iPad Max - Maximate your iPad usage and facilitate the iPad management, do much more than iTunes.


Many iPad apps can transfer movies to your iPad, and some can also transfer songs or eBooks or photos. There will also have some apps can convert videos or audios for iPad, or some can rip CD or DVD for iPad. But if all in one, what will happens? Yes, if all in one, we will have 4Media iPad Max. It can transfer movies, songs, eBooks, photos and other files between your iPad and PC freely. Also copy the songs and convert them from your favorite CD to your iPad, as well as movies from DVD. What’s more, it can convert the video or audio to the formats you like and need make your watch and listen wherever and whenever you need. Do not be surprised, we can give more than you imagined.
Step 1: Download and install 4Media iPad Max
Click THE FOLLOWING PICTURE to download it.

After the download is finished run the m-ipad-max.exe (this is customized version for Google) and follow the installation wizard instructions. Please make sure you have iTunes in your PC, if not the app will ask you to install from the office site as we need some files from iTunes. But you don’t need it run while using 4Media iPad Max.
Step 2: Find the videos or songs that you want to transfer to your iPad.
And now we have two ways to do the basic transfer:
Way A: Just drag and drop

Make 4Media iPad Max after you connect your iPad to PC, find the songs or videos and choose. Then one click, drag and drop:

Next step? No that’s all you need to do for transfer.
Way B: Use “Add File(s)” button
Please see to picture below, you can click the “Add File(s)” button and then it will give you a window to find the folder and files that you want to transfer to your iPad. Yes, you can transfer a folder if you want.

Then please click the “Open” button at the bottom right, you will see all chosen files will send to your iPad at once. So convenience, only one click then everything is done.
Step 3: Transfer after files converted
What talk above is just piece of cake, 4Media iPad to PC can also do this. What 4Media iPad Max can give is more amazing. You can transfer files from you CD/DVD and convert them to proper formats that you need. Just like iPad/iPod/iPod nano/iPhone and etc.
Choose “Convert Video/Audio” function, also choose the video or audio “Add File(s)” button. Then you can see the details as following:
And now you need to choose the output format for your need.

4Media iPad Max provides all Apple device choices for users, which mean you can find all proper output format for your device. Of course don’t worry, we support newest iPad 2.
Now, you should choose your target device. Why this choice appears? Because 4Media iPad Max supports all Apple devices, that means you can use it for iPhone, iPad, iTouch and iPod. If you are lucky enough to get two or more of them, you will only to have only one app for them that will be 4Media iPad Max.
And then please click “Start Convert” button on the bottom of the app window. The videos and audios will be converted to the formats you want, and them transfer to your iPad.
Yes, “Rip DVD/CD” is the same as “Convert Video/Audio”. Please put your DVD/CD into your CD-ROM, then read it, select the files inside and convert them as Step 3 told.

How to make iPhone ringtones and transfer to iPhone

Simply create iPhone ringtones from songs you heard, movies you watched… and transfer to your iPhone directly! All iPhone type supported including CDMA iPhone 4.
After forced yourself to buy an iPhone, you will be very excited, as you will be the spotlight in the school. But, when the traditional ringtone yelled, soon you felt thousands of strange eyes. You would rather to use a normal phone with normal ringtone. That will make you at ease. These changes after you meet 4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker. You will get your customized ringtone, unique and special, cool and faddish. Now let take a look how to use this great software to create your own type of ringtone.
Step 1: Download and install 4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker
Click THE FOLLOWING PICTURE to download it.

After the download is finished, run the m-iphone-ringtone-maker.exe and follow the installation wizard instructions.
PS: The window of 4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker is very simple, please see the picture below, I will lead you to find the place to fill the license code and own setting:
Click the angle on the right top of the window and a dropdown list will shown.

Step 2: Select the song that you want to use
To input a song that you are going to edit, please click the “Browse” button on as shown in the following picture.

4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker can supports most popular formats of audio like AVI/ MPEG/ WMV/ MP4/ MP4/ MKV/ H.264/ MPEG-4/ DivX/ XviD/ MOV/ RM/ RMVB/ M4V/ VOB/ ASF/ ASF 3G2/ DAT/ H.261/ H.264. Also it can support some unfamiliar formats: DV/ DIF/ MJPG/ MJPEG/ DVR-MS/ NUT/QT/ YUV/ MPV/ NSV. What’s more, it can support some formats from particular device: Audio-Video/ Interleaved HD/ Video (*.avi)/ AVCHD Video(*.mts, *.m2ts)/ H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4)/ MPEG-2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg)/ MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts)/ MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts)/ Quick Time HD Video(*.mov)/ WMV/ HD Video (*.xwmv)/ MP3/ WMA/ AC3/ AAC/ WAV/ CDA/ OGG/ FLAC/ APE/ CUE/ M4A/ RA/ RAM/ MPA/ MP2/ AIFF/ AU/ SUN AU Format.

Step 3: Listen to the music and determine the start and end points
Yes, most songs have so much redundancy for a ringtone, we need to cut the useless parts, or wake parts and leave the best.
Click the huge “Play and Pause” button to listen to the music first. Then set a start point by clicking “Set Start Point” button and the “Set End Point” for the end.
Most ringtone will fade in and out. So let’s make your ringtone livelier. Tick fade in and fade out, also you can set the time for this two effects.

PS: If the audio file itself is too loud of low, you can use our voice controller to strengthen or waken the voice. Make it more satisfied.

Step 4: set the target destination to save the ringtone
There is still one more thing we need to do before start converting, that is we need to find a place to save the output file. 4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker give you two choices to save your ringtone. One is to save in your PC, and the other is directly to your iPhone.

Click “Browse” to set a target place for your ringtone in PC. Also portable device is okay for storage.
There will have two more option below the Destination blank as the following picture shows:
Tick “Add to iTunes” to auto-upload the audio to iTunes to your preference.
Tick “Add to iPhone” to send the ringtone directly to your iPhone and then you can use it directly.

How to convert video files using 4Media Video Converter Ultimate

Ultimate video converting solution! Convert among all video and audio formats and involve flexible video editing.
When you see a coveted MV, but it is *.swf or *.flv or other formats that you can’t use with your portable device to watch. When you finally get your wedding video but find it is not HD and the format is so strange that you may never heard. What a pity. And now, with 4Media Video Converter Ultimate, you will find they are just a piece of cake, only spend seconds and you can take your favorite MV anywhere, watch your video in high quality.
Step 1: Download and install 4Media Video Converter Ultimate
Click here to download it. After the download is finished, install the application following the installation wizard instructions.
Step 2: Run 4Media Video Converter Ultimate and select your input file
To select a video/audio/picture you would like to convert hit the “File” on the top left of the screen. In the opened Windows Explorer window browse for the necessary video file:

PS: You can choose “Add File” for the one you want to convert or “Add Folder” for many videos that you want to convert. Also CD is acceptable by 4MediaVideo Converter Ultimate to let you take your songs with your trip without CD player.

Step 3: Set up the conversion parameters
After you have selected the video input file, take seconds for loading and then click one of the buttons as the following picture shows. Or “Save As” to set your output format:

You can see that 4Media Video Converter Ultimate already sort the output formats for you to fit your output device. For example, you want to watch the video with your iPhone and please move your mouse to “iPhone” then you will see the list on the right will show the formats that an iPhone can accept.
Also you can click the “Profile” on the right of the screen, to set your personal need, like video size, audio quality, file name, picture quality and etc. As following:

Step 4: Give your output file a place to settle
Click the “Browse” in the “Destination” line and select a location on your PC for the output video file or you can just use “Output to Device” to select your connected device. Then click the red icon on the top to start converting.

PS: You can save the output file on your PC, or directly to your device like iPad/iPhone/iPod/iTouch/PSP.

Step 5: How will the conversion happens
Are you curious about the converting steps? Sure you need to know how long will the conversion takes, how much it has completed and even the log of conversion.
Here you can see the percentage that it has completed, remaining time, task number, and see the log details by click the button as following picture shows:

After finish converting, you can use “Effect” function to make your customized video, like water mark, handmade subtitle, video effect and etc.

How to transfer Music/Video/eBook/Photo to your iPad

Are you still worried about how to make your iPad filled with music, videos, ebooks and photos that you like?
Are you still confused about some difficult while transferring files to your iPad?
Are you still wanted to convert video to other format, make your own style customized ringtone, download video online freely to your iPad, even rip DVD and CD for your iPad?
Follow me, let enjoy your iPad in the easiest way.
You can Trial it for usage, download it HERE

1.Transfer your files to your iPad by drag and drop.
Download the file, and drag with your mouse then drop. Sounds easy? Do easier.
Open your 4Media iPad Max Platinum after you connect your iPad to PC. Then you will see your iPad menu on the left side, click any menu below. You don’t even have to open the target menu, just click the file you want to move to your iPad and then drag it to the window; file will be saved to the target menu automatically.

Are you asking how to sync files to your iPad? No, you don’t need to do that at all, because 4Media iPad Max Platinum can help you syncing automatically. After Drag and drop, you can watch, read, and listen freely.

2.When a CD/DVD comes.
You borrow a cool CD from your friend, or buy a DVD, but want to rip it and save in your iPad. Do you have to buy another 4Media CD Ripper or 4Media DVD Ripper? No, you don’t have to. 4Media iPad Max Platinum contains this function.
Just input your disc, choose “Rip CD/DVD” section and open it by click “File” button:

After the CD or DVD input to your PC, you can pick the video or music to your computer.

3.I want to make my own ringtone. That makes me cool and fashionable.
To make your customized ringtone, you need some seconds. Fine the music you want to edit first please. Then you can use 4Media iPad Max Platinum TO make iPhone Ringtone.
Click the function “Make iPhone Ringtone”, click the music file and drag to the window then drop, it will appear like the following picture, also you can drag and drop many music files to the window at once:

Choose the one you want to edit by tick square and the line below will activate. Set the start point and end point by moving the triangle or choosing exact time. Then please copy to my device, done.

4.Convert video/audio for my iPad/iPhone all at once
4Media iPad Max Platinum is also a video and audio converter; you can pick the video by drag and drop to the window directly and then prepare to convert then:
Then divide type can help you easily and perfectly convert the file and fit your equipment. Also you can convert many video at once and transfer to different pocket equipments like iPod, iPad and iPhone.
5.Download online video directly.
When 4Media iPad Max Platinum works, your iTunes is also working. It supports YouTube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Revver, Vidilife, BREAK, Vimeo and downloading. Choose you favorite site and download your favorite video online. Of course you can watch online if you don’t want to download.

Sound crazy? The only thing you should use is drag and drop. One click and then done.
No matter transfer to your iPad, or convert for iPad, or maker ringtone for your iPad even rip DVD for your iPad. With 4Media iPad Max Platinum, drag and drop, one click and ten seconds, everything done.


How to rip copyright DVD, copy DVD and edit DVD movie Mac OS X?

This step-by-step guide will show you how to use 4Media DVD Ripper Ultimate for Mac to rip general DVD (copy-protected included) on Mac OS X (Leopard Supported). It will include two parts:
1. How to rip DVD and DVD to MP4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, 3GP, FLV, M4V on Mac OS X
2. Part2. How to edit (crop, join) DVD movie on Mac OS X

What you need is 4media DVD Ripper Ultimate for Mac; you can download it directly for free from here:

If you want to learn more features about it, you can refer to this page:
DVD Ripper for Mac key features:
Supported Input Files formats: DVD-Video, DVD folder, DVD IFO file, ISO image file, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, ASF, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Super Video CD Format, Video CD Format, etc.
Supported Output Files formats: VOB, MPEG2, PS Format, MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, RA, M4A, AC3, MP2, AMR, SUN AU Format, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, MKV, etc.
Support Audio formats: MP2, MP3, M4A, MPEG, AAC, WAV, OGG, APE, etc.
Support Devices: iPod, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod touch, iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, General 3GP mobile phone, BlackBerry, Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver, Pocket PC, Dell Axim X51, HP iPaq hw6500 series, Nexus One, HTC Hero, HTC G2 Magic, HTC Tattoo, Motorola Droid, Motorola CLIQ, SamSung i7500, Windows Phone 7.
Part1. How to rip DVD and DVD to MP4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, 3GP, FLV, M4V on Mac OS X?
Step1. Visit the site, download and install 4Media DVD Ripper Ultimate for Mac. Insert your DVD disc into DVD drive and run the software. Click “File” button on the left top, you can see “Open DVD”, please chooses the disc then load the content. You can also load DVD folders from your hard drive by clicking “Open ISO Files” or “Open IFO Files”, DVD folders files names will appear, and below you can see ”Title 01” then lower will show “Chapter 1”.

Tips: You can add files by click “DVD” icon on the left top, click “X” button to remove chosen chapter.

Step2. This software can convert DVD to various video formats such as : VOB, MPEG2, PS Format, MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, RA, M4A, AC3, MP2, AMR, SUN AU Format, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, MKV, etc. Click the “Profile” drop down list to select a format you want.
Also you can add profiles with other format by click “Add Output Profile”.
Prepare Your Packet Equipment

Tips 1: 4Media DVD Ripper Ultimate for Mac differentiates the output format according to your pocket equipments, like iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP Blackberry and etc. This makes you easier to choose the output video formats; you can select a format according to the name of your portable player. For example, you can select “iPod H.264 Video (*.mp4)” when you want to rip DVD movie for iPod, and the default setting works great. Of course this software also includes the DVD Audio Ripper function, so you can extract audio from DVD movie to General Audio Format for web using or other portable player.

Tips 2: If you are interested and want to customize the output video quality, you can click the “Settings” button on the right side to open the Settings window and set “Video Codec”, audio quality “Audio Codec”, “Picture Codec”, etc. See the figure below:

Tips 3: A DVD may contain many files, and if you set the personal profile one by one will be boring and messy. Here you can use “Advance Profile Settings”. You can review all your setting and check if you need to modify. The most important is, please see the picture below and you can find the button “Apply to All”. This means you can apply your setting to all files.

Step3. Select Subtitle and Audio
Regular DVD movies usually have several subtitles such as English, French, German, etc. You can select one you prefer. You can also delete the subtitle by selecting “No Subtitle”. Selecting Audio is the same. You can improve the quality of audio and video for your favor.

After the above steps, you can browser for the “Destination” and choose the folder for your output files. Click “Rip Checked Items”, a green button, to start conversion. When the conversion finished, you can click “Open” to review the file in your hard drive.
Part2. How to edit (crop, join) DVD movie on Mac OS X
If you want to split a particular part of the DVD movie, you can click “Clip” to customize the conversion time, there will be a timeline below the preview window, you can click the line and set the conversion start time and end time.

Before you convert the VD file, you can choose to “Split” in “Basic Setting” to 10 MB, 100 MB, 200 MB, CD-R/RW 650 MB, CD-R/RW 702 MB, CD-R/RW 790 MB, CD-R/RW 870 MB, DVD±R/RW 4.7 GB, DVD±R/RW DL 8.5 GB AND 10 Seconds. If you want to cut the edges of the DVD movie, you can click the “Effect” button, and then you will see a pop up windows (See the figure below). You can see the option “Position of Crop Area”; fill or choose the number in the blank to cut the edges. Moreover, there is an oblong in dashed line around the movie video You can select an output aspect ratio and the available options are: Keep Original, full screen, 16:9 and 4:3. Also the dashed line can be moved by hand.

You can also click the “Effect” button and customize the images’ brightness, saturation, contrast; add watermark, etc (See the figure below).

You can even apply special effects such as “Black and White”, “Oil Painting”, “Line Drawing”, “Negative”, “Embossment”, “Old Film”, “Shadow”, “Haze”, “Mosaic”, “Flip Horizontal”, “Flip Vertical”, “Vertical Blind”, “Horizontal Blind” and “Sand” by selecting an effect from drop-down list.